OV-PMA-004 IT Investment/Portfolio Manager

Provides leadership, management, direction, or development and advocacy so the organization may effectively conduct cybersecurity work.

Applies knowledge of data, information, processes, organizational interactions, skills, and analytical expertise, as well as systems, networks, and information exchange capabilities to manage acquisition programs. Executes duties governing hardware, software, and information system acquisition programs and other program management policies. Provides direct support for acquisitions that use information technology (IT)(including National Security Systems), applying IT-related laws and policies, and provides IT-related guidance throughout the total acquisition life cycle.

Manages a portfolio of IT investments that align with the overall needs of mission and enterprise priorities.

Knowledges 17

Code Description Work Roles
K0001 Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. 52
K0002 Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). 52
K0003 Knowledge of laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity and privacy. 52
K0004 Knowledge of cybersecurity and privacy principles. 52
K0005 Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. 52
K0006 Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. 52
K0048 Knowledge of Risk Management Framework (RMF) requirements. 8
K0072 Knowledge of resource management principles and techniques. 7
K0120 Knowledge of how information needs and collection requirements are translated, tracked, and prioritized across the extended enterprise. 6
K0126 Knowledge of Supply Chain Risk Management Practices (NIST SP 800-161) 14
K0146 Knowledge of the organization's core business/mission processes. 10
K0154 Knowledge of supply chain risk management standards, processes, and practices. 7
K0165 Knowledge of risk/threat assessment. 5
K0169 Knowledge of information technology (IT) supply chain security and supply chain risk management policies, requirements, and procedures. 14
K0235 Knowledge of how to leverage research and development centers, think tanks, academic research, and industry systems. 5
K0257 Knowledge of information technology (IT) acquisition/procurement requirements. 5
K0270 Knowledge of the acquisition/procurement life cycle process. 5

Skills 1

Code Description Work Roles
S0372 Skill to translate, track, and prioritize information needs and intelligence collection requirements across the extended enterprise. 5

Abilities 1

Code Description Work Roles
A0039 Ability to oversee the development and update of the life cycle cost estimate. 4

Tasks 8

Code Description Work Roles
T0277 Ensure that all acquisitions, procurements, and outsourcing efforts address information security requirements consistent with organization goals. 6
T0302 Develop contract language to ensure supply chain, system, network, and operational security are met. 3
T0377 Gather feedback on customer satisfaction and internal service performance to foster continual improvement. 4
T0415 Ensure that supply chain, system, network, performance, and cybersecurity requirements are included in contract language and delivered. 4
T0493 Lead and oversee budget, staffing, and contracting. 4
T0551 Draft and publish supply chain security and risk management documents. 4
T0220 Resolve conflicts in laws, regulations, policies, standards, or procedures. 6
T0223 Review or conduct audits of information technology (IT) programs and projects. 5