NICE Skills 374

Code Description Work Roles
S0001 Skill in conducting vulnerability scans and recognizing vulnerabilities in security systems. 6
S0002 Skill in allocating storage capacity in the design of data management systems. 1
S0003 Skill of identifying, capturing, containing, and reporting malware. 1
S0004 Skill in analyzing network traffic capacity and performance characteristics. 2
S0005 Skill in applying and incorporating information technologies into proposed solutions. 4
S0006 Skill in applying confidentiality, integrity, and availability principles. 3
S0007 Skill in applying host/network access controls (e.g., access control list). 1
S0008 Skill in applying organization-specific systems analysis principles and techniques. 1
S0009 WITHDRAWN: Skill in assessing the robustness of security systems and designs. (See S0027) 1
S0010 Skill in conducting capabilities and requirements analysis. 1
S0011 Skill in conducting information searches. 1
S0012 Skill in conducting knowledge mapping (e.g., map of knowledge repositories). 1
S0013 Skill in conducting queries and developing algorithms to analyze data structures. 2
S0014 Skill in conducting software debugging. 1
S0015 Skill in conducting test events. 1
S0016 Skill in configuring and optimizing software. 1
S0017 Skill in creating and utilizing mathematical or statistical models. 3
S0018 Skill in creating policies that reflect system security objectives. 3
S0019 Skill in creating programs that validate and process multiple inputs including command line arguments, environmental variables, and input streams. 1
S0020 Skill in developing and deploying signatures. 1
S0021 Skill in designing a data analysis structure (i.e., the types of data a test must generate and how to analyze that data). 1
S0022 Skill in designing countermeasures to identified security risks. 5
S0023 Skill in designing security controls based on cybersecurity principles and tenets. 2
S0024 Skill in designing the integration of hardware and software solutions. 5
S0025 Skill in detecting host and network based intrusions via intrusion detection technologies (e.g., Snort). 3
S0026 Skill in determining an appropriate level of test rigor for a given system. 1
S0027 Skill in determining how a security system should work (including its resilience and dependability capabilities) and how changes in conditions, operations, or the environment will affect these outcomes. 7
S0028 Skill in developing data dictionaries. 1
S0029 Skill in developing data models. 1
S0030 Skill in developing operations-based testing scenarios. 1
S0031 Skill in developing and applying security system access controls. 5
S0032 Skill in developing, testing, and implementing network infrastructure contingency and recovery plans. 2
S0033 Skill in diagnosing connectivity problems. 1
S0034 Skill in discerning the protection needs (i.e., security controls) of information systems and networks. 6
S0035 Skill in establishing a routing schema. 1
S0036 Skill in evaluating the adequacy of security designs. 4
S0037 Skill in generating queries and reports. 2
S0038 Skill in identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system. 5
S0039 Skill in identifying possible causes of degradation of system performance or availability and initiating actions needed to mitigate this degradation. 1
S0040 Skill in implementing, maintaining, and improving established network security practices. 1
S0041 Skill in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting LAN and WAN components such as routers, hubs, and switches. 1
S0042 Skill in maintaining databases. (i.e., backup, restore, delete data, transaction log files, etc.). 1
S0043 Skill in maintaining directory services. (e.g., Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP, etc.). 1
S0044 Skill in mimicking threat behaviors. 1
S0045 Skill in optimizing database performance. 1
S0046 Skill in performing packet-level analysis using appropriate tools (e.g., Wireshark, tcpdump). 1
S0047 Skill in preserving evidence integrity according to standard operating procedures or national standards. 4
S0048 Skill in systems integration testing. 1
S0049 Skill in the measuring and reporting of intellectual capital. 1
S0050 Skill in design modeling and building use cases (e.g., unified modeling language). 3
S0051 Skill in the use of penetration testing tools and techniques. 2
S0052 Skill in the use of social engineering techniques. (e.g., phishing, baiting, tailgating, etc.). 2
S0053 Skill in tuning sensors. 2
S0054 Skill in using incident handling methodologies. 2
S0055 Skill in using knowledge management technologies. 2
S0056 Skill in using network management tools to analyze network traffic patterns (e.g., simple network management protocol). 2
S0057 Skill in using protocol analyzers. 2
S0058 Skill in using the appropriate tools for repairing software, hardware, and peripheral equipment of a system. 1
S0059 Skill in using Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices and encryption. 3
S0060 Skill in writing code in a currently supported programming language (e.g., Java, C++). 7
S0061 Skill in writing test plans. 2
S0062 Skill in analyzing memory dumps to extract information. 3
S0063 Skill in collecting data from a variety of cyber defense resources. 1
S0064 Skill in developing and executing technical training programs and curricula. 2
S0065 Skill in identifying and extracting data of forensic interest in diverse media (i.e., media forensics). 2
S0066 Skill in identifying gaps in technical capabilities. 2
S0067 Skill in identifying, modifying, and manipulating applicable system components within Windows, Unix, or Linux (e.g., passwords, user accounts, files). 2
S0068 Skill in collecting, processing, packaging, transporting, and storing electronic evidence to avoid alteration, loss, physical damage, or destruction of data. 3
S0069 Skill in setting up a forensic workstation. 2
S0070 Skill in talking to others to convey information effectively. 2
S0071 Skill in using forensic tool suites (e.g., EnCase, Sleuthkit, FTK). 2
S0072 Skill in using scientific rules and methods to solve problems. 2
S0073 Skill in using virtual machines. (e.g., Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare vSphere, Citrix XenDesktop/Server, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, etc.). 5
S0074 Skill in physically disassembling PCs. 2
S0075 Skill in conducting forensic analyses in multiple operating system environments (e.g., mobile device systems). 3
S0076 Skill in configuring and utilizing software-based computer protection tools (e.g., software firewalls, antivirus software, anti-spyware). 3
S0077 Skill in securing network communications. 3
S0078 Skill in recognizing and categorizing types of vulnerabilities and associated attacks. 3
S0079 Skill in protecting a network against malware. (e.g., NIPS, anti-malware, restrict/prevent external devices, spam filters). 3
S0080 Skill in performing damage assessments. 1
S0081 Skill in using network analysis tools to identify vulnerabilities. (e.g., fuzzing, nmap, etc.). 2
S0082 Skill in evaluating test plans for applicability and completeness. 1
S0083 Skill in integrating black box security testing tools into quality assurance process of software releases. 1
S0084 Skill in configuring and utilizing network protection components (e.g., Firewalls, VPNs, network intrusion detection systems). 2
S0085 Skill in conducting audits or reviews of technical systems. 3
S0086 Skill in evaluating the trustworthiness of the supplier and/or product. 2
S0087 Skill in deep analysis of captured malicious code (e.g., malware forensics). 2
S0088 Skill in using binary analysis tools (e.g., Hexedit, command code xxd, hexdump). 3
S0089 Skill in one-way hash functions (e.g., Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA], Message Digest Algorithm [MD5]). 3
S0090 Skill in analyzing anomalous code as malicious or benign. 2
S0091 Skill in analyzing volatile data. 2
S0092 Skill in identifying obfuscation techniques. 2
S0093 Skill in interpreting results of debugger to ascertain tactics, techniques, and procedures. 2
S0094 Skill in reading Hexadecimal data. 1
S0095 Skill in identifying common encoding techniques (e.g., Exclusive Disjunction [XOR], American Standard Code for Information Interchange [ASCII], Unicode, Base64, Uuencode, Uniform Resource Locator [URL] encode). 1
S0096 Skill in reading and interpreting signatures (e.g., snort). 1
S0097 Skill in applying security controls. 3
S0098 WITHDRAWN: Skill in detecting host and network based intrusions via intrusion detection technologies. (See S0025) 1
S0099 WITHDRAWN: Skill in determining how a security system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, or the environment will affect these outcomes. (See S0027) 0
S0100 Skill in utilizing or developing learning activities (e.g., scenarios, instructional games, interactive exercises). 2
S0101 Skill in utilizing technologies (e.g., SmartBoards, websites, computers, projectors) for instructional purposes. 1
S0102 Skill in applying technical delivery capabilities. 1
S0103 Skill in assessing the predictive power and subsequent generalizability of a model. 1
S0104 Skill in conducting Test Readiness Reviews. 1
S0105 WITHDRAWN: Skill in data mining techniques. (See S0202) 0
S0106 Skill in data pre-processing (e.g., imputation, dimensionality reduction, normalization, transformation, extraction, filtering, smoothing). 1
S0107 Skill in designing and documenting overall program Test & Evaluation strategies. 1
S0108 Skill in developing workforce and position qualification standards. 1
S0109 Skill in identifying hidden patterns or relationships. 1
S0110 Skill in identifying Test & Evaluation infrastructure (people, ranges, tools, instrumentation) requirements. 2
S0111 Skill in interfacing with customers. 2
S0112 Skill in managing test assets, test resources, and test personnel to ensure effective completion of test events. 2
S0113 Skill in performing format conversions to create a standard representation of the data. 1
S0114 Skill in performing sensitivity analysis. 1
S0115 Skill in preparing Test & Evaluation reports. 2
S0116 Skill in designing multi-level security/cross domain solutions. 1
S0117 Skill in providing Test & Evaluation resource estimate. 1
S0118 Skill in developing machine understandable semantic ontologies. 1
S0119 Skill in Regression Analysis (e.g., Hierarchical Stepwise, Generalized Linear Model, Ordinary Least Squares, Tree-Based Methods, Logistic). 1
S0120 Skill in reviewing logs to identify evidence of past intrusions. 2
S0121 Skill in system, network, and OS hardening techniques. (e.g., remove unnecessary services, password policies, network segmentation, enable logging, least privilege, etc.). 2
S0122 Skill in the use of design methods. 2
S0123 Skill in transformation analytics (e.g., aggregation, enrichment, processing). 1
S0124 Skill in troubleshooting and diagnosing cyber defense infrastructure anomalies and work through resolution. 2
S0125 Skill in using basic descriptive statistics and techniques (e.g., normality, model distribution, scatter plots). 1
S0126 Skill in using data analysis tools (e.g., Excel, STATA SAS, SPSS). 1
S0127 Skill in using data mapping tools. 1
S0128 Skill in using manpower and personnel IT systems. 2
S0129 Skill in using outlier identification and removal techniques. 1
S0130 Skill in writing scripts using R, Python, PIG, HIVE, SQL, etc. 1
S0131 Skill in analyzing malware. 2
S0132 Skill in conducting bit-level analysis. 1
S0133 Skill in processing digital evidence, to include protecting and making legally sound copies of evidence. 1
S0134 Skill in conducting reviews of systems. 2
S0135 Skill in secure test plan design (e. g. unit, integration, system, acceptance). 3
S0136 Skill in network systems management principles, models, methods (e.g., end-to-end systems performance monitoring), and tools. 2
S0137 Skill in conducting application vulnerability assessments. 2
S0138 Skill in using Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption and digital signature capabilities into applications (e.g., S/MIME email, SSL traffic). 5
S0139 Skill in applying security models (e.g., Bell-LaPadula model, Biba integrity model, Clark-Wilson integrity model). 1
S0140 Skill in applying the systems engineering process. 1
S0141 Skill in assessing security systems designs. 2
S0142 Skill in conducting research for troubleshooting novel client-level problems. 1
S0143 Skill in conducting system/server planning, management, and maintenance. 1
S0144 Skill in correcting physical and technical problems that impact system/server performance. 1
S0145 Skill in integrating and applying policies that meet system security objectives. 3
S0146 Skill in creating policies that enable systems to meet performance objectives (e.g. traffic routing, SLA's, CPU specifications). 1
S0147 Skill in assessing security controls based on cybersecurity principles and tenets. (e.g., CIS CSC, NIST SP 800-53, Cybersecurity Framework, etc.). 3
S0148 Skill in designing the integration of technology processes and solutions, including legacy systems and modern programming languages. 1
S0149 Skill in developing applications that can log and handle errors, exceptions, and application faults and logging. 1
S0150 Skill in implementing and testing network infrastructure contingency and recovery plans. 1
S0151 Skill in troubleshooting failed system components (i.e., servers) 1
S0152 Skill in translating operational requirements into protection needs (i.e., security controls). 1
S0153 Skill in identifying and anticipating system/server performance, availability, capacity, or configuration problems. 1
S0154 Skill in installing system and component upgrades. (i.e., servers, appliances, network devices). 1
S0155 Skill in monitoring and optimizing system/server performance. 1
S0156 Skill in performing packet-level analysis. 3
S0157 Skill in recovering failed systems/servers. (e.g., recovery software, failover clusters, replication, etc.). 1
S0158 Skill in operating system administration. (e.g., account maintenance, data backups, maintain system performance, install and configure new hardware/software). 1
S0159 Skill in configuring and validating network workstations and peripherals in accordance with approved standards and/or specifications. 1
S0160 Skill in the use of design modeling (e.g., unified modeling language). 3
S0161 WITHDRAWN: Integrated into S0160 0
S0162 Skill in applying various subnet techniques (e.g., CIDR) 1
S0163 WITHDRAWN: Integrated into S0060 0
S0164 Skill in assessing the application of cryptographic standards. 0
S0165 WITHDRAWN: Skill in collecting, packaging, transporting, and storing electronic evidence to avoid alteration, loss, physical damage, or destruction of data. (See S0068) 0
S0166 Skill in identifying gaps in technical delivery capabilities. 1
S0167 Skill in recognizing vulnerabilities in security systems. (e.g., vulnerability and compliance scanning). 2
S0168 Skill in setting up physical or logical sub-networks that separate an internal local area network (LAN) from other untrusted networks. 1
S0169 Skill in conducting trend analysis. 1
S0170 Skill in configuring and utilizing computer protection components (e.g., hardware firewalls, servers, routers, as appropriate). 2
S0171 Skill in performing impact/risk assessments. 2
S0172 Skill in applying secure coding techniques. 2
S0173 Skill in using security event correlation tools. 2
S0174 Skill in using code analysis tools. 3
S0175 Skill in performing root cause analysis. 3
S0176 Skill in administrative planning activities, to include preparation of functional and specific support plans, preparing and managing correspondence, and staffing procedures. 4
S0177 Skill in analyzing a target's communication networks. 2
S0178 Skill in analyzing essential network data (e.g., router configuration files, routing protocols). 1
S0179 Skill in analyzing language processing tools to provide feedback to enhance tool development. 1
S0180 WITHDRAWN: Integrated into S0062 0
S0181 Skill in analyzing midpoint collection data. 1
S0182 Skill in analyzing target communications internals and externals collected from wireless LANs. 1
S0183 Skill in analyzing terminal or environment collection data. 2
S0184 Skill in analyzing traffic to identify network devices. 4
S0185 Skill in applying analytical methods typically employed to support planning and to justify recommended strategies and courses of action. 3
S0186 Skill in applying crisis planning procedures. 3
S0187 Skill in applying various analytical methods, tools, and techniques (e.g., competing hypotheses; chain of reasoning; scenario methods; denial and deception detection; high impact-low probability; network/association or link analysis; Bayesian, Delphi, and Pattern analyses). 3
S0188 Skill in assessing a target's frame of reference (e.g., motivation, technical capability, organizational structure, sensitivities). 1
S0189 Skill in assessing and/or estimating effects generated during and after cyber operations. 3
S0190 Skill in assessing current tools to identify needed improvements. 1
S0191 Skill in assessing the applicability of available analytical tools to various situations. 1
S0192 Skill in auditing firewalls, perimeters, routers, and intrusion detection systems. 1
S0193 Skill in complying with the legal restrictions for targeted information. 1
S0194 Skill in conducting non-attributable research. 5
S0195 Skill in conducting research using all available sources. 1
S0196 Skill in conducting research using deep web. 3
S0197 Skill in conducting social network analysis, buddy list analysis, and/or cookie analysis. 1
S0198 Skill in conducting social network analysis. 1
S0199 Skill in creating and extracting important information from packet captures. 1
S0200 Skill in creating collection requirements in support of data acquisition activities. 1
S0201 Skill in creating plans in support of remote operations. (i.e., hot/warm/cold/alternative sites, disaster recovery). 1
S0202 Skill in data mining techniques (e.g., searching file systems) and analysis. 2
S0203 Skill in defining and characterizing all pertinent aspects of the operational environment. 6
S0204 Skill in depicting source or collateral data on a network map. 1
S0205 Skill in determining appropriate targeting options through the evaluation of available capabilities against desired effects. 2
S0206 Skill in determining installed patches on various operating systems and identifying patch signatures. 1
S0207 Skill in determining the effect of various router and firewall configurations on traffic patterns and network performance in both LAN and WAN environments. 1
S0208 Skill in determining the physical location of network devices. 2
S0209 Skill in developing and executing comprehensive cyber operations assessment programs for assessing and validating operational performance characteristics. 1
S0210 Skill in developing intelligence reports. 1
S0211 Skill in developing or recommending analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or for which no precedent exists. 3
S0212 Skill in disseminating items of highest intelligence value in a timely manner. 1
S0213 Skill in documenting and communicating complex technical and programmatic information. 3
S0214 Skill in evaluating accesses for intelligence value. 1
S0215 Skill in evaluating and interpreting metadata. 1
S0216 Skill in evaluating available capabilities against desired effects to provide effective courses of action. 2
S0217 Skill in evaluating data sources for relevance, reliability, and objectivity. 2
S0218 Skill in evaluating information for reliability, validity, and relevance. 8
S0219 Skill in evaluating information to recognize relevance, priority, etc. 1
S0220 Skill in exploiting/querying organizational and/or partner collection databases. 1
S0221 Skill in extracting information from packet captures. 1
S0222 Skill in fusion analysis 2
S0223 Skill in generating operation plans in support of mission and target requirements. 1
S0224 Skill in gisting target communications. 1
S0225 Skill in identifying a target’s communications networks. 1
S0226 Skill in identifying a target's network characteristics. 1
S0227 Skill in identifying alternative analytical interpretations to minimize unanticipated outcomes. 4
S0228 Skill in identifying critical target elements, to include critical target elements for the cyber domain. 4
S0229 Skill in identifying cyber threats which may jeopardize organization and/or partner interests. 5
S0230 WITHDRAWN: Integrated into S0066 0
S0231 Skill in identifying how a target communicates. 1
S0232 Skill in identifying intelligence gaps and limitations. 2
S0233 Skill in identifying language issues that may have an impact on organization objectives. 2
S0234 Skill in identifying leads for target development. 2
S0235 Skill in identifying non-target regional languages and dialects 2
S0236 Skill in identifying the devices that work at each level of protocol models. 3
S0237 Skill in identifying, locating, and tracking targets via geospatial analysis techniques 2
S0238 Skill in information prioritization as it relates to operations. 2
S0239 Skill in interpreting compiled and interpretive programming languages. 2
S0240 Skill in interpreting metadata and content as applied by collection systems. 2
S0241 Skill in interpreting traceroute results, as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. 2
S0242 Skill in interpreting vulnerability scanner results to identify vulnerabilities. 2
S0243 Skill in knowledge management, including technical documentation techniques (e.g., Wiki page). 2
S0244 Skill in managing client relationships, including determining client needs/requirements, managing client expectations, and demonstrating commitment to delivering quality results. 3
S0245 Skill in navigating network visualization software. 1
S0246 Skill in number normalization. 1
S0247 Skill in performing data fusion from existing intelligence for enabling new and continued collection. 1
S0248 Skill in performing target system analysis. 3
S0249 Skill in preparing and presenting briefings. 8
S0250 Skill in preparing plans and related correspondence. 5
S0251 Skill in prioritizing target language material. 2
S0252 Skill in processing collected data for follow-on analysis. 2
S0253 Skill in providing analysis on target-related matters (e.g., language, cultural, communications). 1
S0254 Skill in providing analysis to aid writing phased after action reports. 3
S0255 Skill in providing real-time, actionable geolocation information utilizing target infrastructures. 1
S0256 Skill in providing understanding of target or threat systems through the identification and link analysis of physical, functional, or behavioral relationships. 5
S0257 Skill in reading, interpreting, writing, modifying, and executing simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). 1
S0258 Skill in recognizing and interpreting malicious network activity in traffic. 1
S0259 Skill in recognizing denial and deception techniques of the target. 2
S0260 Skill in recognizing midpoint opportunities and essential information. 1
S0261 Skill in recognizing relevance of information. 1
S0262 Skill in recognizing significant changes in a target’s communication patterns. 2
S0263 Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for leads for metadata analysis. 1
S0264 Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for leads to enable remote operations (data includes users, passwords, email addresses, IP ranges of the target, frequency in DNI behavior, mail servers, domain servers, SMTP header information). 1
S0265 Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for target development including intelligence development. 1
S0266 Skill in relevant programming languages (e.g., C++, Python, etc.). 1
S0267 Skill in remote command line and Graphic User Interface (GUI) tool usage. 1
S0268 Skill in researching essential information. 1
S0269 Skill in researching vulnerabilities and exploits utilized in traffic. 1
S0270 Skill in reverse engineering (e.g., hex editing, binary packaging utilities, debugging, and strings analysis) to identify function and ownership of remote tools. 2
S0271 Skill in reviewing and editing assessment products. 3
S0272 Skill in reviewing and editing intelligence products from various sources for cyber operations. 1
S0273 Skill in reviewing and editing plans. 3
S0274 Skill in reviewing and editing target materials. 2
S0275 Skill in server administration. 1
S0276 Skill in survey, collection, and analysis of wireless LAN metadata. 1
S0277 Skill in synthesizing, analyzing, and prioritizing meaning across data sets. 2
S0278 Skill in tailoring analysis to the necessary levels (e.g., classification and organizational). 6
S0279 Skill in target development in direct support of collection operations. 2
S0280 Skill in target network anomaly identification (e.g., intrusions, dataflow or processing, target implementation of new technologies). 2
S0281 Skill in technical writing. 3
S0282 Skill in testing and evaluating tools for implementation. 1
S0283 Skill in transcribing target language communications. 1
S0284 Skill in translating target graphic and/or voice language materials. 1
S0285 Skill in using Boolean operators to construct simple and complex queries. 4
S0286 Skill in using databases to identify target-relevant information. 1
S0287 Skill in using geospatial data and applying geospatial resources. 2
S0288 Skill in using multiple analytic tools, databases, and techniques (e.g., Analyst’s Notebook, A-Space, Anchory, M3, divergent/convergent thinking, link charts, matrices, etc.). 4
S0289 Skill in using multiple search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, LexisNexis, DataStar) and tools in conducting open-source searches. 4
S0290 Skill in using non-attributable networks. 2
S0291 Skill in using research methods including multiple, different sources to reconstruct a target network. 1
S0292 Skill in using targeting databases and software packages. 2
S0293 Skill in using tools, techniques, and procedures to remotely exploit and establish persistence on a target. 2
S0294 Skill in using trace route tools and interpreting the results as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. 1
S0295 Skill in using various open source data collection tools (online trade, DNS, mail, etc.). 1
S0296 Skill in utilizing feedback to improve processes, products, and services. 9
S0297 Skill in utilizing virtual collaborative workspaces and/or tools (e.g., IWS, VTCs, chat rooms, SharePoint). 7
S0298 Skill in verifying the integrity of all files. (e.g., checksums, Exclusive OR, secure hashes, check constraints, etc.). 1
S0299 Skill in wireless network target analysis, templating, and geolocation. 1
S0300 Skill in writing (and submitting) requirements to meet gaps in technical capabilities. 1
S0301 Skill in writing about facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner. 2
S0302 Skill in writing effectiveness reports. 1
S0303 Skill in writing, reviewing and editing cyber-related Intelligence/assessment products from multiple sources. 3
S0304 Skill to access information on current assets available, usage. 3
S0305 Skill to access the databases where plans/directives/guidance are maintained. 3
S0306 Skill to analyze strategic guidance for issues requiring clarification and/or additional guidance. 2
S0307 Skill to analyze target or threat sources of strength and morale. 2
S0308 Skill to anticipate intelligence capability employment requirements. 1
S0309 Skill to anticipate key target or threat activities which are likely to prompt a leadership decision. 2
S0310 Skill to apply analytical standards to evaluate intelligence products. 1
S0311 Skill to apply the capabilities, limitations and tasking methodologies of available platforms, sensors, architectures and apparatus as they apply to organization objectives. 1
S0312 Skill to apply the process used to assess the performance and impact of cyber operations. 2
S0313 Skill to articulate a needs statement/requirement and integrate new and emerging collection capabilities, accesses and/or processes into collection operations. 1
S0314 Skill to articulate intelligence capabilities available to support execution of the plan. 1
S0315 Skill to articulate the needs of joint planners to all-source analysts. 1
S0316 Skill to associate Intelligence gaps to priority information requirements and observables. 2
S0317 Skill to compare indicators/observables with requirements. 2
S0318 Skill to conceptualize the entirety of the intelligence process in the multiple domains and dimensions. 1
S0319 Skill to convert intelligence requirements into intelligence production tasks. 1
S0320 Skill to coordinate the development of tailored intelligence products. 1
S0321 Skill to correlate intelligence priorities to the allocation of intelligence resources/assets. 1
S0322 Skill to craft indicators of operational progress/success. 2
S0323 Skill to create and maintain up-to-date planning documents and tracking of services/production. 1
S0324 Skill to determine feasibility of collection. 1
S0325 Skill to develop a collection plan that clearly shows the discipline that can be used to collect the information needed. 2
S0326 Skill to distinguish between notional and actual resources and their applicability to the plan under development. 2
S0327 Skill to ensure that the collection strategy leverages all available resources. 2
S0328 Skill to evaluate factors of the operational environment to objectives, and information requirements. 1
S0329 Skill to evaluate requests for information to determine if response information exists. 2
S0330 Skill to evaluate the capabilities, limitations and tasking methodologies of organic, theater, national, coalition and other collection capabilities. 2
S0331 Skill to express orally and in writing the relationship between intelligence capability limitations and decision-making risk and impacts on the overall operation. 1
S0332 Skill to extract information from available tools and applications associated with collection requirements and collection operations management. 2
S0333 Skill to graphically depict decision support materials containing intelligence and partner capability estimates. 2
S0334 Skill to identify and apply tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination to associated collection disciplines. 2
S0335 Skill to identify Intelligence gaps. 2
S0336 Skill to identify when priority information requirements are satisfied. 2
S0337 Skill to implement established procedures for evaluating collection management and operations activities. 1
S0338 Skill to interpret planning guidance to discern level of analytical support required. 1
S0339 Skill to interpret readiness reporting, its operational relevance and intelligence collection impact. 2
S0340 Skill to monitor target or threat situation and environmental factors. 1
S0341 Skill to monitor threat effects to partner capabilities and maintain a running estimate. 1
S0342 Skill to optimize collection system performance through repeated adjustment, testing, and re-adjustment. 1
S0343 Skill to orchestrate intelligence planning teams, coordinate collection and production support, and monitor status. 1
S0344 Skill to prepare and deliver reports, presentations and briefings, to include using visual aids or presentation technology. 2
S0345 Skill to relate intelligence resources/assets to anticipated intelligence requirements. 1
S0346 Skill to resolve conflicting collection requirements. 1
S0347 Skill to review performance specifications and historical information about collection assets. 2
S0348 Skill to specify collections and/or taskings that must be conducted in the near term. 1
S0349 Skill to synchronize operational assessment procedures with the critical information requirement process. 1
S0350 Skill to synchronize planning activities and required intelligence support. 1
S0351 Skill to translate the capabilities, limitations and tasking methodologies of organic, theater, national, coalition and other collection capabilities. 1
S0352 Skill to use collaborative tools and environments for collection operations. 2
S0353 Skill to use systems and/or tools to track collection requirements and determine if they are satisfied. 1
S0354 Skill in creating policies that reflect the business’s core privacy objectives. 1
S0355 Skill in negotiating vendor agreements and evaluating vendor privacy practices. 1
S0356 Skill in communicating with all levels of management including Board members (e.g., interpersonal skills, approachability, effective listening skills, appropriate use of style and language for the audience). 4
S0357 Skill to anticipate new security threats. 1
S0358 Skill to remain aware of evolving technical infrastructures. 2
S0359 Skill to use critical thinking to analyze organizational patterns and relationships. 1
S0360 Skill to analyze and assess internal and external partner cyber operations capabilities and tools. 6
S0361 Skill to analyze and assess internal and external partner intelligence processes and the development of information requirements and essential information. 1
S0362 Skill to analyze and assess internal and external partner organization capabilities and limitations (those with tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination responsibilities). 2
S0363 Skill to analyze and assess internal and external partner reporting. 1
S0364 Skill to develop insights about the context of an organization’s threat environment 1
S0365 Skill to design incident response for cloud service models. 2
S0366 Skill to identify successful capabilities to find solutions to less common and more complex system problems. 0
S0367 Skill to apply cybersecurity and privacy principles to organizational requirements (relevant to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation). 14
S0368 Skill to use risk scoring to inform performance-based and cost-effective approaches to help organizations to identify, assess, and manage cybersecurity risk. 0
S0369 Skill to identify sources, characteristics, and uses of the organization’s data assets. 1
S0370 Skill to use cyber defense Service Provider reporting structure and processes within one’s own organization. 2
S0371 Skill to respond and take local actions in response to threat sharing alerts from service providers. 0
S0372 Skill to translate, track, and prioritize information needs and intelligence collection requirements across the extended enterprise. 5
S0373 Skill to ensure that accountability information is collected for information system and information and communications technology supply chain infrastructure components. 0
S0374 Skill to identify cybersecurity and privacy issues that stem from connections with internal and external customers and partner organizations. 3