
Ability to conduct vulnerability scans and recognize vulnerabilities in security systems.

Related NICE Work Roles 8

Code Name Knowledge Skills Abilities Tasks
SP-RSK-002 [612] Security Control Assessor 53 68 49 21
SP-ARC-001 [651] Enterprise Architect 52 8 9 19
SP-ARC-002 [652] Security Architect 70 17 14 22
SP-SYS-001 [631] Information Systems Security Developer 58 11 20 41
OM-ANA-001 [461] Systems Security Analyst 46 9 2 31
OV-TEA-001 [711] Cyber Instructional Curriculum Developer 24 6 24 17
OV-TEA-002 [712] Cyber Instructor 31 32 30 30
PR-CDA-001 [511] Cyber Defense Analyst 70 15 6 34